The Others are out there... somewhere... There are seven of them, lurking behind a hill, taking cover in a canyon, on the lookout for the first sign of weakness, the slightest false move, to swoop down on their victim like a pack of hyenas. On board your armour-plated mean machine on wheels, equipped with an impressive arsenal, you roam tirelessly around the squalid countryside of this desolate world looking for precious fuel. Fuel for you means movement, life and, at the very least, a reprieve. Breaking down, on the other hand, means certain death, in a few hours at best ... at worst in a few minutes ... Enjoy your trip! Strong Points Quality 3D appearance (SVGA mode, variety of high resolution textures, Gouraud shading, etc.) 3Dfx compatible. SOON ... Realistic video camera movements putting the player at the centre of the action Up to eight players at a time, who can communicate at any time Realistic driving sequences (acceleration, skidding, etc.) Easy to learn, providing immediate entertainment for the player Varied scenery, terrain and vehicles, many weapons, bonuses, ammunition reloads and fuel Use of "permanent connection technology", allowing players to connect or disconnect at any time during the game